
Retired WFF 2004

Mom & Squeaky Clean
M-60 $82 
First Date
M134  $76   WP, 1986
First Date for Christmas
Pageant Angel with Holly
M-145b $39
m167.JPG (263982 bytes) Colleen O'Green
M167  AP   $59
Green only
m167p.jpg (517497 bytes) Colleen O'Green
M-167 $62 Gold
m206.jpg (331697 bytes) Jack in the Sandbox
M206  DP, 1995 $112
Struggling Artist 
208  WP, 1995 $49 Mom only
m209.jpg (132986 bytes) Caught in the Act
M209  WP, 1995 $72

m226.jpg (222878 bytes)

Pumpkin Serenade
M-226, 1997, DP
m233nf.jpg (87139 bytes) Loves Me... - 4 new colors

m233e.jpg (372037 bytes) Loves Me... (Spring)
M-233s  $51
Mousie's Big Pal
M-245     $89   

Pearly Whites 
M-248  $155

Carmen - red
M-258  $75 

m267.jpg (119158 bytes)

M-267 $72
pm4.jpg (177060 bytes) Just Ducky
PM-4  $178